Welcome! This site was created as a meeting place for folks who formerly worked for a certain leading videogame retailer, to allow us to keep in touch as the company is dismantled and we drift apart. This is a team blog, with membership open to all former associates. If you'd like to join, please leave a comment with your name and email address. Although I started this blog, it will be up to you to keep it going. Write whatever you like, but use it to communicate with your friends, not to berate the company or any individuals therein. Thanks!

Monday, June 09, 2008


The Koch's were in West Chester on June 2nd and paid a visit to the West Chester GameStop office. We went to lunch at Bennegins. We thoroughly enjoyed our time spent with all of them.

The office is larger than we anticipated. Dawn, Mark, Jung, Suzanne Medvid, and Martha Deaver have nice big offices. Melanie, Bob, Raul, and Donna have nice cubes with windows. The only person who has opted for a normal cube is Ruth Yeakal. (There are cubes that Ruth can move to that has windows...I think she should move) :-)

Enjoy the photos of Dawn Heim, Mark Fox, Raul Dimaano, Jung Choi, Melanie Ramey, Donna Davis, and Bob Hager.

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