Welcome! This site was created as a meeting place for folks who formerly worked for a certain leading videogame retailer, to allow us to keep in touch as the company is dismantled and we drift apart. This is a team blog, with membership open to all former associates. If you'd like to join, please leave a comment with your name and email address. Although I started this blog, it will be up to you to keep it going. Write whatever you like, but use it to communicate with your friends, not to berate the company or any individuals therein. Thanks!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Catching up from PA

Hi, my name is Josh Austin, manager of store #4381 in Allentown, PA (former EB #508). I found this blog a while back, and figured that some long-time employees might remember Karen Schneck, who managed EB store #530 (Lehigh Valley Mall in Whitehall, PA) for quite some time. You might like to know that she retired the March before last after 26 years with the company (1981-2007). Store #530 (now GS #4400) opened in February 1980 and is probably one of the top five oldest continuously operating stores in the combined company; Karen was ASM from 81-94, then manager from 94-04 after the EBX in that mall opened. (The previous manager, Susan Hildebrand, retired in 2002.) She then stepped down to ASM of the then-new store #3199 (GS #5278) in 2004, then to SGA in 2006. The staff had a huge party in the store on her last day; current and former employees, and even some long-time customers stopped by to give their regards. Karen was wonderful to work with, and it's amazing to have worked with someone who's seen so much of EB's history. Last I heard she was enjoying her retirement and making semi-regular trips to Atlantic City. :) Here's a picture from her last day with the March 2007 staff of store #5278.


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