Welcome! This site was created as a meeting place for folks who formerly worked for a certain leading videogame retailer, to allow us to keep in touch as the company is dismantled and we drift apart. This is a team blog, with membership open to all former associates. If you'd like to join, please leave a comment with your name and email address. Although I started this blog, it will be up to you to keep it going. Write whatever you like, but use it to communicate with your friends, not to berate the company or any individuals therein. Thanks!

Saturday, July 29, 2006

July Update

Looks like I'm the only one posting anything here any more.

Tim Parker and Chad Ritter ended their tenure at EB in the last few weeks. Tim's been working out of his home in Ohio for the last couple years and it seemed like GameStop wanted him to stay with the company, but they couldn't come to an agreement that didn't involve moving his family down to Texas. I would have liked that, but I don't blame them for staying near their families. I'm discovering what it's like to be very far from my family, and I don't care for it much myself.

Carole Fossett, whom most of you probably didn't know, is still with the company. Carole was the Human Resources manager in the Las Vegas office since it opened several years ago. She's also the only person from Las Vegas who stayed on after the merger. From what I understand, she's now a Divisional HR Manager for the central part of the US, based out of a store somewhere in Chicago.

Charlotte Jones left the company this month, too. She was the HR Manager in the Louisville distribution center. Since that facility was retained by GameStop, I had figured that Charlotte and everyone else down there would stay on. I don't know the circumstances of Charlotte's departure, so I'm just assuming that she got a better offer.

It's funny how different people act in different situations. Cherie Grobbell was in Grapevine for a visit this week. Now we've worked in the same general area of the building (in West Chester) for a few years, and never said BOO to each other during that time. Nothing sinister, we just don't run in the same circles. Now, I move 1500 miles away and the first time she sees me in the hall at GS, it's all, "Hi! How are you? How are you doing?" It's kinda surreal.

My cell phone stopped working yesterday. Just all-of-a-sudden stopped. Calls to my phone get a "number is not in service" message, and if I try to make a call I get a system message from Sprint saying there's a problem with my account. This is a company cell phone, from back at EB. I wasn't scamming anyone. The girl in charge of cell phones at GS knew I had it. I even joked with her a couple months back that now that she knew about it, I'd probably lose it (unlike EB, GS doesn't pay for cell phones for positions below director - I'm not even sure about the directors, come to think of it). She assured me that that wasn't the case. Of course, that type of decision probably isn't up to her, as she's just an accounting clerk. And I don't even have a problem with them discontinuing my service. I just think it's cowardly to just stop paying for it without even telling me. In fact, right now I don't even know for sure that they stopped, as two messages querying my phone's status have gone unanswered thus far. And I won't miss it when it's gone. That Treo is too big and bulky to carry around. I'll probably go for a RAZR if I have to buy my own phone.

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