Welcome! This site was created as a meeting place for folks who formerly worked for a certain leading videogame retailer, to allow
us to keep in touch as the company is dismantled and we drift apart. This is a team blog, with membership open to all
former associates. If you'd like to join, please leave a comment with your name and email address. Although I started this blog,
it will be up to you to keep it going. Write whatever you like, but use it to communicate with your friends, not to
berate the company or any individuals therein. Thanks!
Friday, May 09, 2008
Birthday celebration
Joanne Sunick sent me an email with this great picture. Some of the EB folks got together to celebrate Pattie Santoro’s birthday. Here she is with, Jason, Elaine, Pattie, Marlene, Christina, and Katie.
Happy belated Birthday Pattie!!!