Welcome! This site was created as a meeting place for folks who formerly worked for a certain leading videogame retailer, to allow us to keep in touch as the company is dismantled and we drift apart. This is a team blog, with membership open to all former associates. If you'd like to join, please leave a comment with your name and email address. Although I started this blog, it will be up to you to keep it going. Write whatever you like, but use it to communicate with your friends, not to berate the company or any individuals therein. Thanks!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


We miss you all and hope your are doing well. Please keep in touch and pass this on to fellew ex-eb-ers.

Happy Halloween from Elaine, Mike, and Sugar Koch.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A friend in need

I really don't know how to start this, but here goes...a very dear lady from EB...Linda Stribrny has pancreatic cancer. She has a short time left with us and I wanted to ask all of you to keep her in your prayers and thoughts. (If you are not a person that prays, then just think good thoughts about her).

Linda is still at the satelite office in West Chester (as of today), but I don't know how long she will be there.

I always liked talking to Linda. I would often stop by her office when I was up in the neighborhood. How can you not stop in her office, she always had a smile on her face and she had cool stuff in there. :-)

If anyone is in contact with Linda, I would love to email her to let her know that we are thinking good thoughts in Texas.

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